Some Significant Facts About Iota Carrageenan You Need To Know Before Using It


In modernist cuisine, iota carrageenan is employed as a gelling agent. It is an organic hydrocolloid extracted from particular red seaweed, also known as “Irish moss” that is cultivated and processed. It is utilized as a stabilizer for suspending and emulsifying, thickening, binding, and gelling foods and drinks.


Iota carrageenan can be added to lactose beverages or sauces to increase viscosity and boost the taste. Although the consistency you will get depends on the quantity of the agent used. Furthermore, it is a vegetarian substitute for gelatine, so, iota carrageenan is completely safe for vegans and vegetarians.


What are the benefits of using iota carrageenan?


In terms of cooking, carrageenan does not have any nutritional value but it can have some health benefits. It can be used for tuberculosis, cough, intestinal problems, and bronchitis. This additive has been added to liquids to make them thick since the 1950s. Some studies have shown, iota types of carrageenan are good for fighting certain infections. However, no evidence has been found regarding its use for common colds or any other conditions.


How does it work?


As mentioned before, the texture of the gels created by this substance is determined by the quantity of the agent employed in various liquids. The more you utilize the material, the firmer the gel. When iota carrageenan is combined with water, the gel is very soft, while when mixed with calcium, the gel thickens rapidly. Any product thickened or stabilized using this ingredient gives a mouth-melting sensation. Gels typically include 0.75 percent to 1.5 percent iota carrageenan, whereas dairy products have 0.4 percent to 1.5 percent.


Sucrose is used to standardize this iota type. It is cold soluble and jellifies at temperatures of 80 degrees Celsius. Stirring will not result in the development of gel. When the gel is broken, leaving it to rest will reconstruct it. It is often employed in water applications that need a weakly cohesive and stretchy gel. It is soluble in 140°F hot water medium and gels strongly in the presence of calcium ions. Moreover, it maintains stability throughout the freeze/thaw cycle.


Is it safe to consume iota carrageenan?


More human research is needed to confirm any relationship between carrageenan and digestive disorders. In the meanwhile, it is better to reduce your intake of carrageenan, and this won’t make any difference as this does not have any nutritional value. 


This substance is still approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The National Organic Standards Board, however, voted in 2016 to remove carrageenan from their authorized list. This implies that items containing carrageenan can no longer bear the USDA organic designation. Although, several research studies have shown that this type of carrageenan is safe to consume.


But, there are instances where people having degraded carrageenan have faced some digestive problems. So, make sure when you purchase iota carrageenan from a credible source like Cape Crystal Brands. We offer top-quality, safe, and natural iota carrageenan products such that it does not contain any health issue. To know more about the products, visit our website ( or contact us at 908-273-5600 and
