What are the 3 Common Applications of Emulsifiers in food?


Emulsifier is a food ingredient that plays an exceptional role in food manufacturing of products like creamy sauces, mayonnaise, candy, margarine, processed food, confection and a range of bakery products. Let’s get in a little deeper into knowing the uses of this ingredient in products that we use daily.

Used for:


Some say that breads can be baked without emulsifiers, but they don’t mention that the result would be dry bread, low volume and easily stale. A simple use of 0.5% of the emulsifier ca adds advanced volume, softness and a longer shelf-life to your bread.


Ice-cream is as complex as it is delicious. It goes through a lot of stages, emulsifiers are added during the freezing process to let the texture get smoother and to make sure that the ice-cream doesn’t easily melt under room temperature. 


Most of the chocolate products has 0.5% of lecithin (E 322) or ammonium phosphatide (E 442). The emulsifiers are used to provide the right consistency to the chocolate to help it get moulded easily into bars.

Emulsifiers are used in purified form for food products, sometimes in synthetic chemicals that are similar to natural products.

Emulsifiers are also subject to stringent EU legislation governing their safety assessment, authorization, use and labeling just like any other food additive. Our brand makes sure the ingredient is safe and processed well. Connect with Cape Crystal or dial 908-273-5600 to order from our website.


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